As 2016 opens, many Florida spouses are stuck in divorce cases that seem to have no forward momentum. This can be frustrating for a number of reasons, both practical and emotional. Simply put, a divorce that drags on for too long keeps both spouses from moving on with their lives, which can be a significant source of stress. There are a number of things that spouses can do to kickstart their divorce and bring the matter to a conclusion in 2016.
One of the most important things that spouses can do to move the process forward is to simply commit to ending the marriage. This may sound odd, as divorce is the formal process of ending marriage. However, many people file for divorce, but then drag their feet hoping for an alternative conclusion. It is absolutely essential to take stock of what one really wants and to move forward if divorce is the answer. It is equally important to listen to one’s spouse about his or her wishes, and to honor those wishes regarding this issue.
Another way that divorce cases can drag on for an extended period of time is when spouses try to use the process to continue fighting their marital battles. Divorce is not the place to take out one’s lingering anger or frustrations. A better (and less expensive) venue for those emotions is in a therapist’s office. Spouses who want to reach a timely end to their divorce must make efforts to stop using the process as an opportunity to rehash old resentments.
For those in Florida who are ready to move on, the new year offers a fresh start and the chance to look at divorce in a new light. With the right blend of motivation and effort, it is possible to recharge a stalled divorce case and conclude the matter once and for all. Doing so will give both parties the chance to look toward their future as singles and to begin building new lives.
Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Essential New Year’s Resolutions for Your Divorce“, Diana Shepherd, Dec. 30, 2015