Protect Your Interests Regarding Modifications Or Termination Of Alimony
In Florida, there are several reasons why the modification or termination of alimony may be approved by the court. These include but are not limited to:
Existence Of A Supportive Relationship
In the past, individuals receiving alimony often avoided remarrying, as alimony payments would subsequently stop. Today, new laws recognize that if a supportive relationship exists, the paying spouse can seek an alimony modification to reduce or terminate payments.
In determining whether an existing award of alimony should be reduced or terminated because of a supportive relationship, the court should elicit the nature and extent of the relationship in question. Contact Fort Lauderdale spousal support attorney Rebekah Brown-Wiseman to discuss your circumstances to determine if a supportive relationship exists to justify the termination or modification of alimony.
Need And Ability To Pay
Alimony can be modified or terminated based on the need and ability to pay. If the payer’s ability to pay alimony has decreased, this may merit a change in circumstances to reduce alimony payments. Similarly, a change in financial need of the payee may also merit a change in circumstances. The current economic climate has played a large part in the rise of individuals seeking to modify alimony based on both financial need and ability to pay.
Retirement is considered a reason to modify or terminate alimony. Although the age of 65 is commonly recognized as the age of retirement, it is possible to justify a lower age depending on the average retirement age in a particular profession.
Modification And Termination Of Alimony Attorney
To find out about the prerequisites for modifying or terminating alimony, speak to a family law attorney at the Law Office of Rebekah Brown-Wiseman, P.A., in Fort Lauderdale. Call 954-563-1331 for a consultation.