Many Florida couples who divorce face continued legal challenges following settlements with regard to future parenting plans, alimony or other related issues. The state’s governor recently vetoed a bill that contained proposed changes for the way the court should address a parenting schedule after divorce. SB 668 passed by wide margins in both the Florida House and Senate, but the governor has stated that he thinks such a law could be damaging to children.
SB 668 requires all judges to begin divorce proceedings from the prospective that both parents are entitled to share equal amounts of time with their children. The governor, himself is divorced, is a father and grand-parent, who said that he understands the intensely personal nature of such situations. He also stated, however, that assuming each parent should have the same amount of time with a child is placing more importance on parents’ desires than on what may be best for a child.
One senator said he was shocked by the governor’s veto. Perhaps surprisingly, the sponsor of the bill also issued a statement, saying that, in retrospect, he believes part of the problem is that the bill is written as an alimony bill but blends custody issues with alimony changes. In future attempts for reform, he said, each family issue should be addressed separately.
The governor’s recent veto and statements about a required parenting schedule in Florida have unleashed a contentious debate on both sides of the issue. Some agree with the governor that the alimony bill could have negative impact on many children. Others say the governor is mistaken and should have confirmed the widely victorious votes in the Florida House and Senate by signing the bill into law. In the meantime, any parent facing legal problems because of alimony or custody issues can seek guidance by contacting a family law attorney in the area.
Source:, “Gov. Rick Scott vetoes controversial alimony bill, says it could harm children in divorce cases“, Steve Bousquet, April 15, 2016