Virtually everyone who follows any form of news media is aware of the recent hack of the Ashley Madison website. While plenty of Florida spouses had never heard of the company prior to the hack, most are now aware that Ashley Madison was created as a platform through which married spouses could search for partners for extramarital relationships. A group known as The Impact Team was able to gain access to the company’s files, and has released identifying information for the site’s nearly 39 million users. That information is likely to lead to a great many divorce filings, as spouses learn of their partners’ involvement in the world of online cheating.
For those who find their husband or wife listed among Ashley Madison users, it is absolutely crucial to move through the next steps as carefully as possible. The initial impulse will be to confront one’s spouse in an effort to get answers, but doing so can be risky. If divorce is the ultimate outcome of such a discovery, spouses who are able to hold such information close are able to gain a valuable advantage within the divorce process.
For example, finding out that one’s partner was conducting an extramarital affair should consider if there may be other areas in which their partner acted dishonestly. Perhaps he or she has taken on excessive levels of debt, or made efforts to conceal marital assets in the pursuit of one or more acts of indiscretion. Being able to gather evidence connected to such behaviors can make a world of difference in the outcome of a divorce case.
For Florida spouses who are unsure how to proceed after discovering their partner’s name among the list of Ashley Madison clients, the best course of action is to schedule an initial consultation with a divorce attorney. Doing so can provide the information needed to make an informed decision about how to move forward. While not every relationship affected by this online security breach will result in divorce, spouses who are able to conduct a thorough investigation into the family’s finances prior to discussing the matter with their partner will be in a far better position to enter the divorce process.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Divorce Lawyers Brace For ‘Tsunami’ After Ashley Madison Hack“, Alexander C. Kaufman, Aug. 19, 2015